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The DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 14

Published on 2 October 2023
The DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 14
Date de publication 
Heilig R, Eckenberg R, Petit JL, Fonknechten NR, Da Silva C, Cattolico L, Levy M, Barbe V, de Berardinis V, Ureta-Vidal A, Pelletier E, Vico V, Anthouard V, Rowen L, Madan A, Qin SZ, Sun H, Du H, Pepin K, Artiguenave F, Robert C, Cruaud C, Bruls T, Jaillon O, Friedlander L, Samson G, Brottier P, Cure S, Segurens B, Aniere F, Samain S, Crespeau H, Abbasi N, Alach N, Boscus D, Dickhoff R, Dors M, Dubois I, Friedman C, Gouyvenoux M, James R, Malrey-Estrada B, Mangenot S, Martins N, Menard M, Oztas S, Ratcliffe A, Shaffer T, Trask B, Vacherle B, Bellemere C, Belser C, Besnard-Gonnet M, Bartol-Mavel D, Boutard M, Briez-Silla S, Combette S, Dufosse-Laurent V, Ferron C, Lechaplais C, Louesse C, Muselet D, Magdelenat G, Pateau E, Petit E, Sirvain-Trukniewicz P, Trybou A, Vega-Czarny N, Bataille E, Bluet E, Bordelais I, Dubois M, Dumont C, Guerin T, Haffray S, Hammadi R, Muanga J, Pellouin V, Robert D, Wunderle E, Gauguet G, Roy A, Sainte-Marthe L, Verdier J, Verdier-Discala C, Hillier L, Fulton L, McPherson J, Matsuda F, Wilson R, Scarpelli C, Gyapay G, Wincker P, Saurin W, Quetier F, Waterston R, Hood L and Weissenbach J
Nature 421 (6923), 601-607, 2003
Département / Service
Impact Factor 
Institut IG
url DOI10.1038/nature01348

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